Monday, 15 October 2012

Necessary Ingredients Detected in the Milky Way for the formation Black Holes Pt.I

In certain parts of the Milky Way galaxy habit molecular clouds, these thick and massive clouds of chemicals are good birth places for new stars for which nuclear fusion can commence. Scientists are searching in these regions which contain the most massive and the most densest molecular clouds. These are known to habit and surround our galaxy near the center, which has be suggested that a Super Massive Black Hole is in the centre, dictating our gravitation interaction with the galaxy and everything within it. This Super Massive Black Hole mentioned before in pervious topics, named Sagittarius A* or Sgr A*) is the lynch pin of the galaxy, making everything in and around it form in to a swirl of immense gravitational force.  This Black hole is the suns mass of about 4 millions of our Suns! That’s pretty big and you can imagine the gravitational forces that are associated with this stellar mass.


Fig.1 illustration of a large stellar cluster habituated near the Milky Way.
Credit: Keio University

These clouds that scientists are looking for are good places to start looking for evidence for forming stars. To analyse what is going on in these places, the use of radio telescopes are to determine the make up of these clouds and to compile a map of the density and temperatures of the molecular nebula in the center of the Galaxy. The discovery of 4 massive gas clouds that appear to be the seeds of small medium black holes. These voids in space or ultimate density. 100,000’s time more denser than the Sun are suggested to be the building blocks of SMBH’s that are thought to be in the centre of the galaxy.  
Fig.2 Molecular gas at the center of the Galaxy. 
Credit: Keio University

Legend: + : Sagittarius A* (SMBH)

Though these clouds are really big, they are 30,000 light years away from Earth. Though we are able to see them now. Why is that?  Well the simple answer is that light travelled to us. I have asked a few times, why if its 30,000 light years and that means that light would take 30,000 years to reach that nebula then another 30,000 light years back, wouldn’t that mean we couldn’t, realistically do anything about it. Light travelled from the nebula 30,000 years ago to reach Earth Today.

Part 2 Next


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