Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Dimensions Pt. 1

With the current amount of dimensions in space we have one pointing up (↑), one pointing sideways (←), and one pointing forward ( ), this can also be called, x,y,z dimensions. There is actually also another dimension called time, which makes the 4 dimension, which goes through and around matter and controls the flow of time(Arrow of time). Some could ask, is there another/more dimensions in existence? and some would say it is crazy, since the previous dimensions have occupied all the space available. Mathematics can allow for an infinite amount of dimensions. Literally have as many as you want and with that mathematicians and scientists would conjure these ideas that these dimensions would be completely different to the dimensions that we are aware of, such as monsters travelling through different dimensions and different worlds. Now that all seems interesting and exciting, but the likely hood of that happening outside of Hollywood is slim at best. But when we look at extra dimensions in a realistic term it is more of a mathematical term, and a text book example of the use of extra dimensions would be String Theory. As I have mentioned before, String Theory uses extra dimensions on top of the 3 dimensions that we can view, plus time (Being the 4th). To look at this in a non head achingly way would be to just view these extra dimensions as just extra directions. That being said, it would actually be impossible to point in this direction or even see it. But to assume it is there for the sake of mathematics and sanity.

More in Part 2


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Monday, 30 July 2012

Gravitational Lens Effect

With Einstein, gravity was dictated by the mass an object had, not how big or how small. With that, he inferred that gravity itself is able to bend light and space itself, causing anomalies in the universe to be solved. What confirmed this mystery was when there was a solar eclipse, where the astronomers measured the suns position and size during the phases of the eclipse. The position of the star had been shifted slightly, this was due to the light being bent by sheer gravitational force.

 Fig. 1 Graphical Representation of Gravitational Lens Effect

This led to the suspicion that something of massive stature, not so much large but something with overwhelming amounts of mass existed between the source of light and the observation point (i.e. the person viewing the star). The observation the viewer will have is that the object will have a twin right next to it, identical in almost every way. This lead to suspicion since it was highly unlikely the source which was both exact could be probable. With that in-mind, it was concluded that there was a great gravitational force splitting or bending the light around the massive object and then reconnecting the light to the viewer giving this distortional mirage. This was then called the gravitational lens effect. The object that distorted the light was unseen (usually a black hole is to blame for such a gravitational impact, though Dark Matter can also be responsible for these events)

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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Black Holes, New Theories and Revelations?

Recently more work has been put into the researching of black holes, where scientists have looked into how black holes work. Some recently believe that black holes have a different way of working now. Two research papers have recently been published, explain the circumstances and implications of falling/sucked into a black hole.

Now we have covered that black holes behave differently, relative to the person standing is different positions in and around the black hole. Where one person looking from the outside and sees another falling in, time will seem to slow down infinitely and will literally freeze and stop moving completely, but to the other person (falling into the hole) time flows normally. This is due to Einstein's theory of general relativity. This event happens on a certain part of the black hole, called the stretched horizon (If I didn’t mention before), this is a hot part of the black hole, which results the falling person, getting hotter or in other words, thermalising and then eventually disappearing, releasing back to the observer as a type of radiation called Hawkins radiation(More on this later).

This new theory, is focused on the traveller not the observer, everyone has established that what happens to the observer is correct, at least to our current understanding of physics. The theory re write or at least tries to re write about how an event horizon effects the traveller. This theory has determined that the event horizon is now a type of firewall, where time and space ending instantly for the traveller. These new papers, are trying to implement Quantum mechanics in the theory to make the conclusion work. To explain why and how this works, we need to establish that this theory only works for black holes that are old, the idea of an old black hole is where the hole has actually released or emitted more than half of the particle information that it actually had when the black hole had been formed (Ideally from a Neutron Star). This though is controversial, some say its to do with page time or fast scrambling time. So it might not be EXACTLY correct. This means it could be as old as the universe or even 1/10th of a second old. As you can see there is a massive room for error here and will eventually be establish in the future. Hopefully.

What is meant about how Quantum Mechanics is used for the theory is because of this information/radiation that is emitted and which is used to gauge how the process works. Imagine particles of radiation being released and sent into the cosmos, then following it is another few particles behind it, ideally in the event or the edge of the stretched horizon, they might be light years apart but that is irrelevant, really. These particles or radiation are actually connected to one another, as in they know about each other in time and space. This is what's called “Quantum Entanglement”.

This is where two particles in the universe no matter how far away they are. Somewhat connected across the vastness of space.(This is also a form of Quantum Super positioning), I might cover this in a future topic, to explain what it is.

Now the crux of the matter is where the event horizon, knowing it is between the stretch horizon. Believed that the event horizon was nothing special other than knowing it is the point of no return.
Imagine a particle after the stretched horizon but before the event horizon and a particle on the other side of the event horizon and between the stretch horizon, Seen below.

As you can see that, the two particles that are between the Event Horizon. They are supposedly not connected to each other, due to Quantum Entanglement (QE), meaning that the event horizon is actually blocking the connection between both particles, meaning they are not entangled. AS in, the particle that is travelling deep into the cosmos, is not attached to the particle that is inside the event horizon. They are completely independent systems. So the conclusion is that the event horizon is actually acting as a “firewall”, like the firewall on a computer or router. That blocks virus and mal-ware attacks. Essentially a wall that blocks the particles and ultimately one the traveller reaches this event horizon, the person or thing will disappear instantly. This is what's called burn up or others call it termination, to convey the ultimate finality to anything that enters it.

Though we have made significant progress in further our understanding, I would say we are just starting to chisel of the top of the iceberg.


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Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Black Holes Pt.2

What happens near and inside a Black-Hole?

When placed near a black hole, time seems to exhibit a different reality, when an observer looks at the subject near the hole, time slows down, clocks and other time keeping devices slow down drastically relative to the distant observer, who is further away from the black hole. This is known as “gravitational time dilation”. Matter and waves slow downs as it reaches the event horizon, thus assuming it will take an infinite time to actually reach it.

During this process the object that is slowing down, light is emitted to appear a dimmer red, this is known as the “gravitational red shift effect”. Actually even before the mass reaches the event horizon, it will be so dim that light will no longer bounce of it, making it disappear almost and thus can no longer be seen. But to the matter that is caught by the holes gravity, it will not notice this and think time is finite.

Fig. 1This is picture of a Black Hole emanating X-Ray radiation from many Black Holes. They were previously thought to be too old and decrepit to release X-Ray Radiation. This was discovered using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.

Credit: NASA/CXC/OCIW/P. Martini et al

Core of Darkness

The core of the dark hole, is a region of space inside the black hole where the space-time curvature is infinite. The singular region actually has zero volume and which the singular region has the mass of the black holes “solution”. Making this singular region having infinite density.
With simple black-holes, any one of the thing that passes the even horizon, will be sucked into the singularity, no exceptions. Crushing them into an infinite density, then “contributing” their mass to the total sum of mass of the singularity. But this would not be felt if this was a person. As the person would already be dead by the immense tidal forces that are made by the black hole, but a process called spaghettification or to others, the “noodle effect” would break down the person or thing atom by atom at nearly the speed of light.

The Worm Hole Theory

With a charged or rotating black hole, it is theoretically possible to actually exit a black hole, how ever unlikely It is to actually happen (Even if you get past the fact you can't actually see it and you traveled far enough to reach one). You are able to exit the hole into a different space-time region, making the black hole a portal or worm hole. Though there is more advanced concepts to explain this phenomenon (Will cover later).

One major issue with the singularities, is the fact that all of known physics and mathematics breaks down. Not being able to properly quantify the characteristics of a black-hole.

Black-holes actually evaporate leaving behind the emittance of Hawkins radiation. This radiation does not give away any information about the core of the singularity.

End of Part 2


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Sunday, 22 July 2012

Black Holes Pt.1

 Black holes are a topic of uncertainty. Many different theories sweep through the scientific community as in how they work, what do they do and why they exist. Really, no one really knows what a black hole is, but there are a number of theories that exist that try to explain how they work.

They normally originate from dead massive stars that have collapsed under its own gravity. Allowing the hole to grow by sucking in anything that comes to its end point, anything from gas or dust and light to even the cosmic background radiation. It can even suck in other star or planets, and even other black holes. This makes the black hole a Super massive black hole when that happens.

*Note* Our Galaxy's core is the home of a super massive black hole, giving us a orbit for our solar system to evolve around. (Currently 4.3 Million Solar Masses (Mo, in other words it is the equivalent of

8.55027×10^36 kilograms (That is 36 orders of magnitude!!!!!!)

This makes the mass of this super-massive black hole absolutely enormous. Mass that we could never be able to conjure.

A number of renown scientists such as Steven Hawkins and Albert Einstein have contributed to their understanding. Black holes have been understood as a region of space-time where the immense gravitational field does not allow particles and waves to operate or escape from the hole. This is due to the theory of relativity where Einstein theorised that the more mass a particle has the more influence it will have in space-time. So if enough mass were present and compacted, the gravitational fields would be strong. Where it would be weak then the field would be less.

Looking deeper into the rabbit hole

There are a lot of factors at play here when it comes to a black hole, there are mathematical concepts and theorems that explain certain aspects of the mechanics of a black hole. The event horizon, which can also be called the point of no return is an end point where all matter and light disappear, more accurately, light and matter are sucked in at the speed of light. “Spaghettifying” all matter that passes it, breaking the matter down, atom by atom almost at the speed of light, this can also be called the “noodle effect”. The centre of the hole is black, thus the term the black hole, referring to the black body which is known in thermodynamics.

Though the interior of a black hole is unobservable directly, it can be seen by looking at other evidence that correlated to the events and influences of the black hole, such as the Electromagnetic radiation and matter being influenced by it. As example of such would be where matter can be formed inside black holes into these accretion disks, which is compressed matter (Such as a star) giving of radiation, which can be read by an advanced spectrometer. Other evidence can be orbital data where planets and stars are orbiting around one point which can infer that a black hole has its clutches on the system.

 Credit: National Geographic Archives.

(This is a graphical representation of radiation emanating from a Black Hole. The sheer vortex of gravity sucking anything into its singularity)

It theorises that immense heat and radiation is given of from the black hole, the type of radiation is black body radiation and high thermal temperatures, this too is predicted by quantum mechanics. The temperature levels are directly proportional inversely to the mass of the black-hole itself. When matter actually falls into a black hole, accretion disks are formed, which are heated by friction. Then emitting massive amounts of energy and light, making them to be the brightest objects in the universe. A black-hole really only has 3 fundamental and independent properties: Charge, angular momentum and mass. There are black-holes that don’t have angular momentum or charge, these are simple black holes called “Schwarzschild” black holes. Black holes can also have a neutral charge.

More in the next part


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