Yes, gravity is still in play--even between local and
non-local frames! So what we've learned is that we've learned a lot more about
the nature of causality but very little about how gravity plays a role in this.
The "graviton"(A Carrier of the gravity force) remains elusive, but
not rejected. Dilation due to gravity is observably the same as symmetry
breaking between frames of reference. There must be a deeper relation, but at
this point, Nature has kept her mouth shut as to any clue the nature of this
relation. An example of this is, there
are two modern postulations of "time travel" that are entirely wrong.
First, is the assumption that "forward" time travel is trivial. It is
So even with the
brightest scientists, we still don’t know all the answers. We still are
stuck in a lot of things, and we look like we know everything now, but an
example of our contentedness with technology and science is like having a TV
back in the 60’s, living in the 60’s. Its fine, because we don’t know that LED
1080p Screens would ever exist. There was no possibility for someone to see
into the future like that. But with the benefit of hindsight we couldn’t even
look at that same TV today. Think about what we could produce in another 50 years
time, technologically and scientifically?
We will NEVER approach c, if we continue to have mass. But
if you were, Einstein would be equally as embarrassed as he would be happy. The
second misnomer is the Hawking paradox. While Hawking was correct in his thought
experiments concerning symmetry, his conjecture involving "time
tourists" was entirely misguided. Having spent time in a room waiting for
his future self to visit him, after Stephen sent an invitation to himself.