Saturday, 24 November 2012

Where we are currently in Physics with Symmetry, Wormholes, Space-Time and Gravity PT.II

Yes, gravity is still in play--even between local and non-local frames! So what we've learned is that we've learned a lot more about the nature of causality but very little about how gravity plays a role in this. The "graviton"(A Carrier of the gravity force) remains elusive, but not rejected. Dilation due to gravity is observably the same as symmetry breaking between frames of reference. There must be a deeper relation, but at this point, Nature has kept her mouth shut as to any clue the nature of this relation. An  example of this is, there are two modern postulations of "time travel" that are entirely wrong. First, is the assumption that "forward" time travel is trivial. It is not!

We will NEVER approach c, if we continue to have mass. But if you were, Einstein would be equally as embarrassed as he would be happy. The second misnomer is the Hawking paradox. While Hawking was correct in his thought experiments concerning symmetry, his conjecture involving "time tourists" was entirely misguided. Having spent time in a room waiting for his future self to visit him, after Stephen sent an invitation to himself.

So even with the  brightest scientists, we still don’t know all the answers. We still are stuck in a lot of things, and we look like we know everything now, but an example of our contentedness with technology and science is like having a TV back in the 60’s, living in the 60’s. Its fine, because we don’t know that LED 1080p Screens would ever exist. There was no possibility for someone to see into the future like that. But with the benefit of hindsight we couldn’t even look at that same TV today. Think about what we could produce in another 50 years time, technologically and scientifically?

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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Where we currently stand in Physics with Symmetry, Wormholes, Space-Time and Gravity PT.I

Time as you understand it is a function of symmetry. Symmetry is a fundamental principal of the observable universe. True symmetry cannot exist at the "local" level. You must be able to reference all non-local frames to find it. You can model imperfect symmetry mathematically by saying 0.9999... is in fact equal to 1. It's also the reason why the square root of -1 is an "imaginary number". That is not to say that true symmetry is not a concept unlike infinity, in that it most certainly should be able to exist. Science is just now learning the principals of "symmetry breaking".

It will take another few thousand years to get the math right, but we will eventually find a pragmatic way of manipulating "vacuum barriers" of local frames using exotic matter. Even with atomic clocks, it will be difficult to measure the quanta of time in precise units. It is best, therefore, to measure time in terms of alignment of "frames". Frames to you would be what will eventually coined as "vacuum barriers". This is the home of the virtual particle and the progenitor of the Casimir effect. We can precisely measure frames in units of degree. We use the light from distant stars to do so. We have an aperture that allows us to use simple Pythagorean math to triangulate the difference between "local" and "field" frames. Just to note that the science for this actually came from optical research. Infact to relate to popular culture, there is a game franchise called "Portal" which used this term, which is what makes this localized frame so interesting.

There were several other games such as "Deus Ex" which share the same attractor to this reference. We use the term "attractors" to mean those events which we can record with a certain degree of accuracy. That is, to move "backward" in time means that you also abide by the notions of Heisenberg (The same Heisenberg who coined the Heisenberg “Uncertainty Principle”) In essence, you alter the "past" just as you would trivially by existing in your own local frame. Attractors can be heralded by things that people  find interesting and record. The marching’s of Hitler and his Third Riech. The Mayans and their production of calendars. The Revolutionary War that spawned America. And so forth. These charter events almost always have an attractor associated with them. It is like a heavy ball of lead on a sheet: The attractor warps localized frames in such a way that makes them more congruous to your conventional visualization of space-time. What you need to exploit the breakage of symmetry as it relates to "time" is to inject exotic matter into localized frames.

Exotic matter has a tendency to have negative density. As mentioned in a previous article (Warp Drive:The Theory). We suspect that lattices of high-energy gamma ray lasers were used to create the first observable particles of exotic matter. Currently the Hadron Collider is not powerful enough, and it would take a few dozen suns exploding to break the coulomb barrier needed for a nucleonic force. The quanta of high energy gamma rays, then, can be used to step-up mass ejection of virtual particles that then decay into exotic matter. Due to their incredibly short lifespan, we have not been successfully able to build a transversable wormhole through ordinary space-time that would allow teleportation-like phenomena on the macroscopic scale. However, wormhole theory does describe how local frames are exploited. Kip Thorne thought experiment using a gravity well is still valid. We just can't prove it topographically. But the effect of local frame manipulation mirrors this almost precisely.

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Friday, 2 November 2012

What is a Supernova? Pt.II

Now what makes the supernova explode, well strangely enough, it is not that well understood Though it is known that neutrinos are a major particle that plays a role in the super nova explosion. Though incidentally neutrinos don’t interact with matter or anything physical, almost behaving as a massless particle free-Roaming the universe. But a major percentage of the explosion is from neutrinos escaping to the surface of the dying star and then causes a massive explosion pushing all the out remnants of the dead star, flinging across the cosmos. Though the parts that get shot across space from the explosion is actually a small percentage of the star.

Essentially a typical star would need to be 8+ Solar Masses (O), so it needs to have a certain threshold of mass before it would be able to explode into a super nova. But, it there is a process where the star could lose its weight and essentially, it’s mass, then a supernova explosion would be averted. An example of such a thing would be the interaction of other star, solar flares (Coronial Mass Ejection). Though the opposite can be said as-well, where other explosions (Supernova) can add to the mass of a star, making its total mass even larger, thus making stars that are just below the Chandrasekhar limit, being made supernova eventually. Currently the star that is more close to us and is in chance of actually detonating into a supernova is Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation and currently the 8th brightest star in the Night Sky.

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Monday, 29 October 2012

What is a Supernova? Pt.1

So…What is a supernova? What are these intense energy explosions that radiate and emanate throughout the Universe? To answer this question In this instance well focus on the type II supernovae SNII as this is the start that died. But your probably wonder what a supernova Class I is (SNI).  In this instance the classifications that are used to describe supernovae and their properties bear no real physical significance. But to generalise, what the classifications mean, boils down to their spectra (Spectrometric properties), So for example would be that when a dying star is ready to explode, the explosion and the remnants from the explosion are analysed spectrometric ally. It is these precise chemical characteristics that determine which bracket to place the particular supernova into. Like whether an absorption line is shown in a spectral analysis. Though normally when you discover a type I SN. Normally it is similar in most ways to that of a white dwarf, though still accreting matter and slowing perishing in the cold voids of space eventually collapsing into itself. The SNI has to hit a certain threshold, a mass threshold called the Chandrasekhar limit. The maximum mass allowed for a white dwarf to be at, to avoid going supernova. A SNII is a final death phase, where the star has reached the end of its life.

 Fig.1 A extra terrestrial nebula that habits around Wolf-Rayet star (WR124)
Credit: van der Sluys, M,; Lamers, H. J. G. L. M. (2003).

 *Note: This Nebula is 21,000 light years across

So, now you probably asking, why and how does a star collapse in on itself? At first thought, it would seem like a difficult answer, but actually is quite the contrary.  Gravity as usual, tries to pull anything down towards the particle or object with most matter/density. For us to let go of a cup of tea in free space only for gravity to intervene and pull it straight down to the ground, likely breaking it and causing a mess. In that situation there is nothing stopping the cup from falling to the Earth, no force or energy to keep it in check. With Stars its similar, though there is a difference, energy! Energy is actually a factor with a star and gravity. With the hydrogen and helium inside burring away in a nuclear fusion reaction, intense energy is keeping gravity from crushing the star into oblivion. Now, when the star dies, meaning when it has no more hydrogen to burn and the fusion reaction is essentially gone, gravity steps in to do its business, crushing the star into its inner most core. Then the centre of the star then collapses on itself.

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